Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So after seeing Watchmen it made me think how do these people(stuntmen) run, jump, climb and do all these awesome actions in a real world environment.  I personally work out but I really only lift weights and it made me want to do some kind of training that would help me be able to do actions like in the movie.  

After having this conversation with my brother he showed me this badass style of training called MOVNAT.  I am sure everyone has seen or heard of urban gymnastics, well this is the originator.

How well do I want to perform in real-world situations that involve movement and action? This simple question might profoundly transform your perspective of what it means to be “in shape”.
Modern lifestyle has made natural movement skills become optional.
So why run? Why jump? Why climb? Why lift? Why…walk?
Because we believe that even a highly civilized world holds a multitude of situations where our evolutionary capacities remain indispensable.
Not only they are still useful in a potentially vital manner, but any specialized approach would inevitably lead to failure.
MovNat training emphasizes the body’s natural ability to move in an adaptive manner, i.e. in relation to a situation or context. Consequently, the movements trained can always be linked to a practical application that justifies them.
The situational philosophy of MovNat training is designed to expand your comfort zone in performing daily-life tasks as well as building your preparedness and situational intelligence in dealing with more challenging circumstances that could arise unexpectedly. It is an orientation that is simple, direct, practical and unspecialized.
MovNat trains you to become a well-rounded natural athlete, ready for a wide range of practical actions in various kinds of situations.

Check out more HERE.

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