Saturday, May 8, 2010

Feels Good To Be Home..Feels Good To Be Home

Damn I haven't seen this skyline since December! As soon as it came into sight a smile came across my face I love my city so much and am going to try to take advantage of it before I leave for Cali for the entire summer...the last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy...trying to finish up the semester, figure out where I am living in LA and everything else that goes into me leaving GA for two months to live all the way across the country! The closer it gets here the more and more excited I get about it! I can't wait to be in Cali, experience life and things that i've never been around and learn my craft and meet like minded people who have the same goals and aspirations. But at the same time I hope that I am able to spend these last two weeks in GA seeing all my friends and family as much as possible and enjoy the lil GA summer that I have because it'll all be missed to say the least!
The picture walls at the house on haunted hill its crazy I haven't been there since was nice to be in my old stomping grounds even if just for a night and afternoon. Looking at the picture walls was bananas I never realized how many photos of me were on the walls and how many amazing times I had in KSAW. It truly was a home for three years and I had a great family there. MISS AND LOVE ALL MY KSAW AND TNC FAMILY. ONELOVE...

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