Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kanye's Outburst at VMAS

Kanye's actions were uncalled for. Sure. He apologized shortly after. They were not the most mature or nice thing to do to someone in a once in a lifetime moment like that.

I happen to be a big fan of his music and personally I like his cocky attitude and what have you. I think the things he does (like last night at the VMAS) are funny. I know that it might seem wrong to say that, but I don't listen to Taylor Swift or country music so its not like he said anything about someone I am a fan of, or as if it was at the grammys or oscars(its the VMAS, they also showed a clip from NEW MOON...ooooh its such a highly respected and classy show).

I think that people take celebrities and their lives all too serious. They might be in the public eye and therefore thought to be responsible for their actions when it comes to setting an example for their younger fans, but they aren't world leaders or role models (as much as people want them to be) they make entertainment, and the things Kanye does entertain me personally. Wouldn't you want to get on stage if you thought you or your friend deserved to win and say how you felt. Personally I am a big fan of keeping it real. Lots of people think I am jerk or asshole because of I try to keep it real and that I might call people out. One thing you always know is that ill never lie to you or be fake. If I feel a certain way I am going to say it. Granted i'd probably not get on stage infront of millions of people and do it, but hey I don't have the ability to do that either do I.

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