Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thoughts Of The Day: Back On The Grind

Its been awhile since I just posted some of my here we go. I have been back in GA for about three weeks now and I am not sure how I feel about it. I definitely see how much I truly liked living in California and that I do in fact miss it now that I'm back. I realize from the things we are learning about in my production class how much experience and knowledge I gained from my internship, which makes me feel even more grateful for the opportunity I was given this summer.

Anyways, I do know that even with my classes and school work things definitely seem like they are moving slower then they had been in Cali, well except time(it is always slipping away). These past three weeks have brought some stability and constants that I appreciate since I am a creature of habit. I get to cook again and go to the gym two things I really love and spend a lot of my time doing! My new apt is walking distance from campus and on the bus route so I have barley been driving lately. Which is a welcomed change after a summer of Los Angeles's infamous traffic, and driving across the country twice! (I love to walk, you really get to see things more detailed than when driving.) Today I noticed a bunch of leafs on the ground and realized Fall will be here before I know it. Another season(like I said earlier time is always slipping away.) Last Thursday I went to Terrapin with my homegirl Libby and my homeboy Drew and had a really good time. But I mean it is hard not to have a good time at Terrapin! They had a Jimi Hendrix cover band called Gimme Hendrix performing and they were amazing...dude was rocking bell-bottoms and had his fro picked out high, they sounded like Jimi and played a bunch of my favorite Jimi songs! Oh the beer tasted good too.."two for four switcheroo".

In other news I didn't get an email to buy football tickets so I ended up missing ticket sign up and don't have tickets for the season! I am pretty pissed about it. I am not even the biggest college football fan or UGA fan, but it is a big part of going to UGA that I like. I ended up being able to buy a regular ticket for the first game this Saturday which is cool since my parents are coming up for the game, but they are just playing Louisiana Lafayette so I am sure its going to be a lame game, but they are definitely going to feel that bulldawg bite! Anyways, the place where you go to pick up your tickets is the Vince Dooley athletic complex...if you are a big UGA fan you have to go check it out. There is all kinds of UGA stuff in there.

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