So I thought that i'd start a new daily to weekly entry called "thoughts of the day". Basically I'm just going to get out some of whats going on put my thoughts out there. Today I woke up at 7am like every tuesday and thursday to go to my 8am class and it was raining and kind of cold out...never a good way to start the day. Which brings me to my first thought: when people say they like when it rains...I just don't get it, the only time it is nice when it rains is when you don't have jack shit to do and you can just stay inside all day sleep in and preferable be with a special someone...Id like to just watch movies the whole time as well...however when is this ever the case normally you have to get up and go to work or school...and to top it off people drive like idiots in the rain, i've seen two accidents today already! To my second thought: I have been to lazy or or busy recently(probably a combo) due to this I didn't buy a new battery when I was told to. So this is how my morning story begins...after hearing about someone having a chick-fila chicken biscuit earlier this week I knew I had to get one...after class I went to chick-fila the drive-thru was around the store so I went inside and bought two chicken egg and cheese biscuits(the best thing to happen to breakfast since sliced pork) little did I know that I left my lights on. When I got back to my car it would not start. FUCK! It's now pouring down rain and I got no options. I waited 20 minuets ate one biscuit and then had to call my boi J Kicks AKA Jordan Kinnick to come jump me. Good lookin. By then the rain had stopped thank GOD! I drove to Wal-Mart(home of some of the scumest people i've ever seen) and bought a battery and had them put it in since its raining and I have no idea where tools are at the house on haunted hill. Oh while there the three mechanics(a profession I have mad respect for since my father is one) 2 white 1 black started some how talking about Obama and making fun of him...I didn't really understand what was going on. They were just saying "change" a bunch of times in funny voices it was odd to say the least. You'd think my story would be over by then but it wasn't. As I was driving away the radio wouldn't play and it said CODE on the screen...come to find out Honda's have a feature where if your car gets disconnected from power you must enter in a security code to make it work again to keep your stereo from being jacked. I couldn't find my code and had to wait till I got home to call the dealership and get it from them. I must say it was quite an eventful morning and therefore I didn't get to take my 3 hour nap before my next class. I am going to be BEAT tonite which sucks cause it's Thursday and you know it's going down! Shout out to my TNC brother for coming through and helping me out this morning to everyone else get ready for tonite! To my boi Jimbo you'll be missed and i'll drink a couple extra beers for you...OneLove.
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